В книге рассматриваются механизмы создания психологических ловушек (как мы в них попадаем) и стратегии их преодоления. В эмпирической классификации – выделяются 7 ловушек разума и 8 ловушек поведения. Ловушки разума (обман выстраиваемых ожиданий, иллюзия абсолютного знания, миф совершенного рассуждения, привычка интерпретировать, позитивное мышление, последовательность и непротиворечивость, переоценка – недооценка). Поведенческие ловушки (упорство в применении определенной […]
A l’image de l’âne de Buridan mort de soif et de faim ne sachant que choisir entre son picotin d’avoine et son seau d’eau, le simple fait de (trop) penser peut devenir la source de profondes souffrances. Celles-ci engendrent du doute, des remises en question, une incapacité de prendre une décision et peuvent conduire jusqu’à […]
Si on affirme que certaines thérapies se donnent dix séances pour résoudre votre problème, vous êtes en droit de vous interroger. Et si l’on ajoute à cela que ces thérapies ne s’intéressent pas à la cause de ce problème, mais explorent ce que vous faites ici et maintenant pour le résorber, comment réagissez-vous ? Sceptiques […]
Este diccionario es el testimonio de cómo la comunidad internacional de psicoterapeutas ha acumulado, sobre todo en los últimos treinta años, un riquísimo patrimonio de conocimientos que va más allá del campo de sus aplicaciones clínicas. Gracias a la colaboración de la comunidad internacional de psicoterapeutas, se ha conseguido ir más allá de la simple […]
¿Es posible ir más allá de nuestros límites y obtener resultados extraordinarios? ¿Puede el talento cultivarse con cuidado y perseverancia? Superar las propias limitaciones ejerce fascinación y anhelo. De la mano de la psicología, las neurociencias y la terapia breve estratégica, Giorgio Nardone y Stefano Bartoli nos confirman en esta obra que sí es posible […]
Brief Strategic Therapy vs Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Inpatient and Telephone-Based Outpatient Treatment of Binge Eating Disorder: The STRATOB Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial Abstract This paper describes the results of the STRATOB (Systemic and STRATegic psychotherapy for OBesity) study, a two-arm randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT) comparing Brief Strategic Therapy (BST, Nardone or Arezzo […]
A Brief Strategic Therapy Protocol for Binge Eating Disorder Abstract Background Obesity and being overweight are often associated with Binge Eating Disorder (BED). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has shown solid results in reducing binge eating, but it does not traditionally encourage weight loss. Since Brief Strategic Therapy (BST) has shown to be effective in treating obese […]
Integrating Motivational Interviewing with Brief Strategic Therapy for Heart Patients Abstract Problem statement: psychological distress, obesity and unhealthy lifestyles may contribute to a worse prognosis of cardiac diseases; an important public health challenge is to motivate people and facilitate health behavior change. Research question: specifically, aim of the current study is to test the mediating […]
The MOTIV-HEART Study: A Prospective, Randomized, Single-Blind Pilot Study of Brief Strategic Therapy and Motivational Interviewing among Cardiac Rehabilitation Patients Abstract Background: Psychological distress, biomedical parameters, and unhealthy lifestyles contribute to a poorer prognosis for cardiac disease. Public health’s challenge is to motivate patients to utilize self-care. Objective: This prospective, randomized, single-blind pilot study aimed […]
Brief Strategic Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder: A Clinical and Research Protocol Abstract Background: Although cognitive behavioral therapy is the gold standard treatments for bulimia nervosa (BN) and binge eating disorder (BED), evidence for its long-term efficacy is weak. Empirical research support the efficacy of brief strategic therapy (BST) in treating BN […]
Brief Strategic Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Women with Binge Eating Disorder and Comorbid Obesity: A Randomized Clinical Trial One-Year Follow-Up Abstract Objective: Binge eating disorder (BED) is frequently linked with obesity and related health risks like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The purpose of this randomized clinical trial (RCT) was to determine the effectiveness […]
Brief strategic therapy for obsessive–compulsive disorder: a clinical and research protocol of a one-group observational study Abstract Introduction Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a disabling psychopathology. The mainstay of treatment includes cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) and medication management. However, individual suffering, functional impairments as well as the direct and indirect costs associated with the disease remain substantial. […]